New Honors Seminar: Immigration, Race and Citizenship: Across the Disciplines

Immigration Course with Trip to New York City

Immigration, Race and Citizenship: Across the Disciplines is an Honors seminar with a study tour to New York City along with field trips around Cincinnati that provide a hands-on approach to the past and present dimensions of the immigrant experience.  Students must carry a 3.4 GPA or higher to enroll.

Course Description for HIST 3096 (meets W 3:30-5:50, Spring ’14)
No phenomenon has helped to define our modern global era more than the migration of people across national borders.  And no nation-state has been more central to the realities and imaginations of the “immigrant experience” than the United States.  This multidisciplinary seminar explores the transnational and domestic dimensions of immigration – including the related themes of race and citizenship -- in U.S. and international history from the eighteenth century through today.  Though focused primarily on the U.S., this course is as globally oriented as the lives of the people we examine.  We will systematically interrogate course themes from a diversity of academic disciplines and non-academic vocations.  These include history, film, music, journalism, literature, law, political science, sociology, and grass-roots activism.  The course, then, has two intertwined goals:
1)      to gain an empirical and theoretical understanding of immigration, race, and citizenship
2)      to explore how knowledge is produced – and how we “consume” it -- through a variety of methodologies, both from within the academy and beyond it.  We will ask ourselves “what difference does one particular approach to our topic make versus another?” and “how might our answers to this apply beyond the themes of this particular course?”

Trips to New York City and around Cincinnati
At the end of the semester (4/27-5/2), we will travel to New York City, long a critically important global and national hub for the immigrant experience.  We will dive into a range of lively phenomena central to our course themes, including different culinary cultures (aka, delicious food!); the arts; community mobilization; nongovernmental advocacy; religion; public policy; and the evolving landscapes of neighborhoods that successive waves of immigrants have shaped.  During the semester, we will explore Cincinnati’s “immigrant experience” through historical and architectural walking tours.  We will additionally explore the migration experiences of African Americans through the Underground Railroad Freedom Center.
* Trip begins one day after graduation and two days after the last day of final exams.

Total expected cost to be paid to UC is $1050. The actual cost per person for UC is $1650, but this will be offset by a $600 grant from University Honors, making the actual total expected cost $1050. All participants will receive the grant from UHP, whether in the Honors Program or not.
Costs will include airfare, accommodations, group dinners, tours and guides, and entrance fees.
Costs do not include some lunches and dinners, tips, ground transportation, any additional tours that you choose to go on, and other personal expenses (such as souvenirs).


If interested, immediately email History professor, Dr. Stephen Porter at Stephen.Porter@uc.eduEnrollment may be closing very soon.  You will also need to complete a brief application form, found at
